Jump up and switch legs in the air to land with the other leg forward. Plyo Lunges - In a lunge position, one leg forward and one leg back in a staggered stance, lower into a squat. Mountain Climbers - In a plank position, on the hands and toes, run the knees in and out as fast as you can. Warm-up - Warm up with light cardio exercises like marching in place, step touches, jogging in place, etc. If that's the case, give yourself some time off to allow your body to recover. Look for signs you're overdoing it - If you feel tired or your performance is flagging, that may be a sign you're doing too much.Try scheduling a rest day or a light workout in between your two-a-day workouts. Schedule your rest days - You don't necessarily want to workout twice a day every single day, that gives your body no time for rest.You might stick with your usual morning cardio or strength routine and then do something short and easy later in the day, like boosting your stability on a balance board, to allow your body to get used to working out more. Start simple - If you've never done two-a-days, ease into it.If your workouts are intense, you may even want to try a sports drink to keep your electrolytes in balance.

Hydrate - Another way to combat fatigue and keep your body fueled is to make sure you drink enough water throughout the day.Give yourself plenty of time between workouts - Give yourself several hours between workouts and make sure you eat right to give your body the energy it needs.Try the more intense workouts in the morning - If you're doing something hard, such as high intensity interval training, try doing that workout first and a less intense workout later in the day.Muscle gains - Research has found that working out twice a day helps increase protein synthesis leading to a higher rate of muscle growth.By splitting your workouts, you can implement more training volume, which means you can reach your goals more quickly. Increase your performance - Another benefit is that you can increase your performance.Generating more energy- Sometimes, an afternoon or evening workout session, whether it's cardio, strength, or flexibility, can boost your energy if you're flagging by the end of the day.Losing those last few pounds - While two-a-days might not be something you want to do all the time, they can be great for a couple of weeks to help you burn more calories to lose those last few stubborn pounds.You may do cardio in the morning and then strength training later in the day, for example. You can fit in more types of exercise - There are plenty of ways to set up two-a-day workouts, as you'll see below, but one advantage is doing different types of training throughout the day.Maintaining a healthy weight has many health benefits, including heart health and less strain on your joints. Overall health benefits - The more time you spend working out, the more calories you burn overall which means you will lose weight.